Vegetarian Food

I could never be a 100% vegetarian because it’s impossible for me to stop eating charcuterie (prepared meat products like ham, bacon, dried sausage etc), especially in France. But veggies are an adventure worthy to be followed! Because veggies are tasteful and light! They are healthy and good! I admire people that manage to follow up their adventure 100%!

pommes de terre au thym et à l'ail (à la poêle)
Vegan Food

Potatoes in pan with Thyme and Garlic

These potatoes are made easily in a pan and they are so aromatic thanks to thyme, garlic and bay leaf that you will not believe it! And they are prepared so rapidly that you will not have to wait for ages to eat!

crumble aux poires
Vegetarian Food

Pears and Chocolate Crumble

It’s a crumble made with roasted oats and uses very little butter! Chocolate and pears go very well together and it’s a fine little dessert that is mega easy and good  It’s also delicate thanks to pears and surely it worth your attention when you are in a hurry and you need an easy and rapid dessert in hand!

petits pois à la sauce tomate et aneth - arakas
Greek Food

Peas in tomato sauce with dill (arakas)

These peas in tomato sauce with dill are so delicious and light that you will eat them as a standalone meal with no problem at all! They are different from the standard peas we eat in France because they are by far more flavorful! Give them a try and you will not made peas in another manner ;-) And of course it’s vegan!

velouté d'endives au curry
Vegetarian Food

Endive (chicory) Velouté with Curry

This is a simple velouté made with chicory (or endives), potatoes and some curry! It’s so delicious and easy to make that it will keep you company during winter ;-) But if you chill it, you can have if as a cold soup as well during summer ;-)

omelette aux tomates sechées à l'huile - solo food
Vegetarian Food

Easy omelet with dried tomatoes in olive oil

A wonderful omelet made with roasted fennel seeds! It’s simply delicious and you can add come French comté or gruyere and/or some smoked bacon! It’s delicious even only with fennel seeds! But don’t miss the opportunity to taste it with some dried tomatoes in olive oil, it’s even better! It’s up to you!