Special Food

This type of classification helps to present recipes with another point of view and in an alternative manner. One thing is sure, there are many Greek recipes in this blog but there are also a lot of vegetable recipes, so I thought that a category for vegetarian and vegan (very trendy and for courageous people!) food might make sense. I also decided to include recipes coming from other cultures so I created an additional category for “Food for Around the World” :-) So enjoy :-)

Endives (chicory) salad with lime and honey
Vegetarian Food

Endives (chicory) salad with lime and honey

A beautiful salad with chicory (or endives) and some wonderful dressing with lime, honey (or coconut syrup for the vegan version) and some dried orange and lemon peel! It’s fresh and really good!

Beetroot millefeuille and Chavignol goat cheese
Vegetarian Food

Beetroot millefeuille and Chavignol goat cheese

A veggies millefeuille with beetroot which goes very well with the French goat cheese called crotin de Chavignol! It’s slightly perfumed with thyme and it has honey which gives it a round taste in mouth! Try it, it’s very good!

Chickpeas in soup
Greek Food

Chickpeas in soup

A chickpeas soup because it’s possible to make soup with chickpeas! And it’s good ;-) It is perfumed as well with rosemary and the whole thing is served with a little bit of lemon juice! It’s really good :-) Just give it a try!

ananas splendide !!!
Vegetarian Food

Splendid Pineapple!!!

A delicate and quite easy dessert with pineapple cooked in the oven and a lemon cream called chiboust :-) It also has a lemon crumble made with almond power with gives it a little bit of crunchiness! It’s really good and worth the effort!