Special Food

This type of classification helps to present recipes with another point of view and in an alternative manner. One thing is sure, there are many Greek recipes in this blog but there are also a lot of vegetable recipes, so I thought that a category for vegetarian and vegan (very trendy and for courageous people!) food might make sense. I also decided to include recipes coming from other cultures so I created an additional category for “Food for Around the World” :-) So enjoy :-)

Brioche à tête - solo food
Vegetarian Food

Brioche à tête

A brioche dough that is less airy than usual but very good! It reminds me of the brioches I used to eat as a child which were quite thick but so buttery and good! The original recipe comes from Martha Stewart!

Semolina Halva
Greek Food

Semolina Halva

This is a vegan dessert which is delicious and has a long tradition in Greece. The semolina is cooked and roasted into olive oil and then is soaked into a nice syrup which is perfumed with lemon zest and cinnamon! You can also find dried raisins and almonds for more flavor!

Stuffed Squid
Greek Food

Stuffed Squid

This stuffed squid is stuffed with rice, onion and red pepper and it’s seasoned with Cayenne pepper to bring some extra force into it! It’s cooked in the oven with white wine and lemon and it’s very good and light!

mandi - tortellini à la grecque
Greek Food

Mandi – Tortellini the Greek way

This homemade pasta are filled with ground beef and seasoned with paprika! It’s rather easy to make and very tasteful because they are served with a tomato sauce and a sauce made with yogurt or fromage blanc, garlic and paprika! But to learn all about this you need to read the recipe ;-)

mini-bûche with strawberries
Vegetarian Food

Mini-bûche with strawberries

This Swiss roll or jelly roll is filled with strawberries and strawberry jam et it’s simply delicious as on top it has some Italian meringue that gives some extra flavor! Simply amazing! It’s a recipe coming from the French Pastry House Lenôtre!