Scallops with citrus fruits sauce

Make this recipe, inspired by a Ritz and Escoffier, vous allez être surpris de la délicatesse de cette sauce d’agrumes et de son caractère de pure soie ! Elle se marie à merveille avec les noix de Saint-Jacques, il faut juste prendre le temps pour tourner le fouet assez longtemps (30’) pour la produire, mais le résultat final est digne d’un plat étoilé J Enfin c’est ce qu’ils me disent !

In two words:

“The sovereign and his court retreated in the South, disdaining the altar of the Earth and the Harvest”.

To Start...

difficulty easy
preparation– 5’
cooking - 30' (for the sauce) + 10' (pour les noix de Saint-Jacques)
serves - 2  


  • 7 big scallops (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 3 oranges
  • the zest of one orange
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 10gr of unsalted butter
  • 1 small clove of garlic
  • gros sel ou de la fleur de sel, Kampot black pepper


For the sauce

  • Zest (take off the zest) from one orange
  • Press the grapefruit and the oranges ans pass the juice from the sieve
  • Put the juice into a sauce pan in high heat
  • Start boiling the juice and stirring it constantly with the whisk for 30’
  • From time to time take off the foam that is created on top of the juice
  • Slowly the juice is going to be reduced and at the end you will have a sauce that is a bit syrupy
  • Once the syrupy sauce produced, put it in a bowl and add the olive oil, a pinch of salt, and 5 turn mill of Kampot black pepper
  • Emulsify everything with the whisk

For the scallops

  • Si elles sont fraiches :
    • Melt the butter in a pan
    • Add the pressed garlic and stir a little bit
    • Add the scallops and turn them upside down every minute or so for a total of 10’ in medium heat
    • At the end of cooking, add the orange zest and cook it for a little bit with the scallops
  • Si elles sont congelées :
    • Thaw out the scallops in a pan at medium heat
    • Add the butter and continue to stir at medium heat
    • Add the pressed garlic
    • Turn the scallops upside down every minute or so for a total of 10’
    • Add the zest towards the end of cooking and cook it a little bit with scallops

Bring it all together

  • Put the scallops in a dish
  • Pour the sauce on top of them
  • Serve with two endives braised in butter with a little bit of sauce on them
  • Enjoy :)


Today's Scallops caramelized endives and citrus vinaigrette in the book:


o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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