This is a very fluffy omelet because we beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks! It’s an airy omelet that has a beautiful consistency which may seem a bit contradictory :-) It’s really good and rather easy to make :-) Moreover, it’s quite a change regarding standard omelet ;-) Try it and see for yourself :-)
In two words:
“Beauty it’s never more, I think, but a promise to happiness”
Stendhal, Rome, Naples et Florence
To Start...
difficulty – a bit of technique is required
preparation– 5’
cooking - 3’
serves - 1
To Sum-up...
- Separate the egg yolks from the whites, and place the whites into a large bowl
- Beat the egg yolks in an omelet
- Add just a little bit of fine salt into the whites
- Start beating the egg whites with an electric hand mixer
- Once they form stiff peaks, add the egg yolks
- Start beating again in order to incorporate the egg yolks
- When the egg yolks are incorporated, add sell, pepper and chili and beat again
- Heat-up pan and add the olive oil
- Add the omelet and smooth its surface
- Low the heat to medium and let the bottom cook
- Once you can lift the left side of the omelet, lift it up and place it on top of the right part like and envelop
- Let it cook a little bit, and once it a bit firm, turn it again on the other side
- Cook it a little bit and take it off heat
- Sprinkle on top some chopped parsley
- It has an airy aspect and a nice consistency in taste
- It’s really good!
- :-)
A recipe of an artichoke omelet that can be found in the Greek book Σαββίδη Λένα (επιμ.), 245 Δοκιμασμένες συνταγές, Εκδοτική Ερμής, Αθήνα, 1996, σελ. 59, which means 245 tasted recipes.
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o
- Categories: Vegetarian Food, Special Food, Eggs
- Ingredients: olive oil, eggs, Espelette pepper