
Easy recipes for making sweets at home because pastry can be an easy task! You just need clear instructions and good will and you can make it! Because after all, homemade pastries have a special twist and are even better when it’s easy to make! Give it a try!

Semolina Halva
Greek Food

Semolina Halva

This is a vegan dessert which is delicious and has a long tradition in Greece. The semolina is cooked and roasted into olive oil and then is soaked into a nice syrup which is perfumed with lemon zest and cinnamon! You can also find dried raisins and almonds for more flavor!

Gâteaux grecs de Noël au miel et aux épices - melomakarona
Greek Food

Greek Christmas cookies with honey and spices (melomakarona)

The melomakararona are traditional Greek biscuits that are served during Christmas in Greece! Everybody in Greece stresses on how to soak them into honey but this recipe is simple and straightforward! Nothing to fear and the result is extra good and tasteful! They are flavored with cinnamon and cloves and the honey is simply amazing! On top you will find some walnuts for some extra flavor and taste  Give them a try, they are very unusual but so good!

sweet lemon confit
Greek Food

Sweet lemon confit

It’s possible to make sweet lemon confit with this recipe from the Great French Chef Alain Ducasse! Furthermore, making confit fruits in sweet versions it’s quite a habit in Greece and they are served in their juice! It’s really good and even better with a coffee!

cinnamon splash
Greek Food

Cinnamon splash!

This is a very interesting breakfast or a fast treat for tea and it’s a different type of pancake which resembles to a crêpe and it’s filling is made with dried raisin, walnuts, cinnamon and honey (or coconut syrup for the vegan version). It’s really good and easy to make!

mini-cakes with banana
Vegetarian Food

Mini-cakes with banana

These mini-cakes with banana are very tasteful and even if they are a bit compact they have a very special taste because the banana goes very well with cinnamon and this special brown sugar called rapadura which has a very special perfume! You can add some walnuts for some extra flavor as well :-)

Raspberry Muffins - solo food
Vegetarian Food

Raspberry Muffins

These muffins are really easy to make and sooo good! You don’t even need a mixer to make them ;-) And you can use fresh or frozen raspberries! Cinnamon brings its special flavor and everything goes well together :-) It’s so tasteful! It’s up to you!